Arrow Trans Corp. has been at the forefront of the transport companies through its business activities, but for years it has also been engaged in charitable actions and support for those in need. Not for the first time, the company has joined the action of the You Can Be My Angel foundation known within Polish community and took part in the purchase and distribution of traditional sweets-filled Easter baskets.
Arrow Trans Corp’s CEO, Piotr Klich, spoke several times about supporting the You Can Be My Angel foundation and about the cash donations that enable foundation operations, which save the lives of seriously ill children living in Poland. “On the 10th anniversary of Arrow Trans Corp’s existence, we donated $20,000 to the foundation, and on top of that the winner of our jubilee raffle – Ms. Katarzyna Tszan also donated her prize of $2000 for the support of children fighting cancer. During the week-long celebration of the National Truck Driver Appreciation Week, we have organized a campaign for drivers on the company’s Facebook page. Every note of thanks left for a driver of Arrow Trans Corp. by internet users turned into $ 5 donated to YCBMA”. This enabled us to donate an extra $1000 to the foundation. The campaign turned into a great opportunity to combine marketing and charitable activities. It also highlighted the work of Arrow Trans’ drivers, pointing out to the dedication and professionalism of employees and the high quality of services offered by Arrow Trans Corp. and cemented the company’s position among the top donors. It was also a source of pride for the management, that employs professionals dedicated to their work, who care about the company’s image and identify with its goals. The opinions of satisfied customers are also a contributing voice in choosing the best driver of the month – one of the company’s marketing projects.
In January of this year, the Management and Board of Arrow Trans Corp. got involved in the fundraiser of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOSP). During the corporate event, its participants collected cash donations for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. In March, Arrow Trans Corp. actively joined another campaign of You Can Be My Angel Foundation to purchase sweets and toys for the Easter baskets. The beautiful baskets were auctioned off and the proceeds were allocated to support for Hubert, a child fighting cancer. Following the principle of “we give good and spread it around” the baskets were then donated to Sister Marta Cichon MChR from the Holy Family’s Shelter for Single Mothers.
The Shelter for Single Mothers is a Polish community institution located in Chicago, run by the Religious Order of Sister Missionaries of Christ the King, which takes care of single mothers, provides support in difficult times, helps them to build a new, better life and become independent. It is solely dependent on donations and goodwill, therefore all and any help is received with open arms, and gratitude is often expressed as much in words as in prayers. Easter baskets donated by Arrow Trans Corp. it is one of those selfless gestures that brought smiles to the faces of the Shelter’s inhabitants, especially the youngest ones.
Arrow Trans Corp. is a company that, caring about its image, focuses on the quality of services it offers as much as on the needs of employees and the larger community, trying to provide a glimmer of hope to those most in need. Charity is one of the priorities of successful business and helping those in need gives as much satisfaction as providing excellent customer service and product. In addition to that, activities related to providing help and support are not only directed toward charitable organizations, but also the company’s own employees who can count on various benefits, incentives, and rewards. They are a token of appreciation and a gesture of thanks for their hard work. For many people working for Arrow Trans Corp. the company is a second home. It is where they spend most of their time, so it is important to create conditions that will foster efficient work in a friendly and professional environment. If you like to work for a company with the highest reputation, providing the best working conditions and great pay, be sure to call 773-954-5787 and find out what we can offer you to change your work and life for the better.